When you run a business you can get very busy, I’ve recently noticed that I have been neglecting the blog. So it’s time to recitfy and restart . There will be regular posts and updates about painting and gaming projects in the store. As well as articles and other things.
The store has a collection of Space Marines from the 1st edition of Warhammer 40,000. They form part of the store display armies and are painted as Dark Angels. Back then the Space Marines models wore what is now known as MK VI or Corvus armour. The Dark Angels had a black colour scheme with red markings instead of the green they are now known for. The original colour scheme is referenced by the Horus Heresy game, which is set around the early period of the Imperium, which is about 10,000 years before the main game.
Here is the Devastator Squad added to the Dark Angels RTB01 army. It was actually painted before the assault marines and chaplain, but gets posted now for some reason. This squad is the first painted to get sergeant and veteran sergeant markings. These take the form of helmet stripes and the Veteran Sergeant gets a rank badge on his power fist.
The squad makes use of plastic Imperial Guard heavy bolters and lascannons, from the weapons sprues available at the time. You may have seen the lascannon marine before as it was part of the second tactical squad painted. That squad is now equipped with a missile launcher. Their lascannon now forms part of the devastator squad.