Ultramarines Painting Guide

Intro A few years back I painted and subsequently sold an Ultramarines army. I have decided to revisit that project, while this time staying with the aesthetic of second edition …

Oldhammer Devastators

When you run a business you can get very busy, I’ve recently noticed that I have been neglecting the blog. So it’s time to recitfy and restart . There will …

Future Steel

At the time of writing I have a Deadzone Demo in two weeks.  Therefore I had to paint a number of strike forces.  I have completed my Enforcers some time …

The Future …

A new game has happened here over the summer.  OK maybe it’s not a new game, but its new enough.  Deadzone from Mantic games is a sci-fi skirmish game that …

Kings of Death

Background to my store undead army. The locations and time-line is vague enough for it to be placed in any number of fantasy settings.The rule set I am using is currently …

Store undead army

A few pictures of the undead army I am working on for kings of war.  The kings of war army lists are great for incorporating models from any number of …