
How to start Deadzone

Deadzone is fast paced sci-fi miniature skirmish game set is a corporate dystopian galaxy. Played on a 2′ x 2′ area with an integrated terrain system, Deadzones rules are simple …

Ultramarines Painting Guide

Intro A few years back I painted and subsequently sold an Ultramarines army. I have decided to revisit that project, while this time staying with the aesthetic of second edition …

Oldhammer Devastators

When you run a business you can get very busy, I’ve recently noticed that I have been neglecting the blog. So it’s time to recitfy and restart . There will …

How to start Kings of War

Kings of War is a fantasy battle game played with miniatures. You collect and command an army of your favourite fantasy figures against an opponents collection of fantasy figures, in …

Starting Warhammer 40,000

Miniature Wargaming, a hobby where you collect and paint figures which you use to represent your forces in games. A game like Warhammer 40,000 can be quite daunting for beginners. …

More Undead and Better Pics

Firstly it’s the Revenants, you may have seen them before… These are the first mantic miniatures I ever painted. A great set with many options on the sprue. I decided …

Imperial GCPS

While preparing to run a few games of Deadzone I noticed a similarity of the GCPS faction with the Imperial Guard. With that in mind I decided to use that …

Oldhammer Jump Assault

I have been adding to the Oldhammer Space Marines. Nothing speaks to the nature of the Imperium more than a Chaplain. The model is a conversion from a number of …

Making Your Game Happen

There are a number of great games out there, and the store is happy to support them. Whether they be board games, collectible card games or miniature skirmish games. If …