Why you need to play Kings of War

Kings of War is the best fantasy war game ever!

It’s quick

Kings of Wars simple and intuitive system is fast. The rules are incredibly easy to learn and the stats of the armies are self-explanatory. More fantastic elements such as magic, artillery or flying troops are incorporated into Mantic’s streamlined rules. So their inclusion adds to the flavour of the game while maintaining the flow. You can play 2000 points in an evening comfortably – including setup time, tea breaks and interruptions.

It’s balanced

The rules reward use of placement of troops and out manoeuvring your opponent . Winning a game is down to how you use your army. Each armies strengths and weaknesses have been balanced against each other by the rules committee.

The main rulebook has eleven armies inside. They were written at the same time, and they all use the same rules in the book.

It’s very smartly priced

Just take a look at the army deal boxes.  No Really check them out

You already have the figures

Chances are if you are reading this you may own a number of fantasy figures. You can use them in this game with a minimum of fuss. You can even mix your Mantic figures with those of other companies in your regiments and armies.

Its well supported

There are a number of Tournaments and campaigns happening everywhere. The Summer 2017 saw the global Edge of the Abyss campaign with long lasting effects for the future of the world of Mantica.

Mantic has a number of supplements for this game. A full campaign book including rules for the characters from scenarios for Dungeon Saga Here! Mantic’s dungeon crawler game set in the same world.

Uncharted Empires contains army lists for nine more armies. Contains some of the more esoteric armies such as alternate takes on existing human kingdoms, Beastmen, that Halfling army you wanted, Ratmen, ancient themed undead, nightmare legions and many more…

Kings of War historical, the game rules even work for ancient, dark ages and medieval armies. Fight historic battles or blend the two to fight some interesting battles like Romans vs Orcs or Spartans vs Elves

Don’t take my word – try it today!

1 thought on “Why you need to play Kings of War

  1. Pingback: How to start Kings of War - Mountain Gremlin Games

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