Store undead army

A few pictures of the undead army I am working on for kings of war.  The kings of war army lists are great for incorporating models from any number of manufacturers.  Here I have Oldhammer skeleton cavalry alongside Mantic’s revenants lead by a characters from reaper miniatures.   I hope to stock reaper miniatures in the new year.




I am working on more skeleton infantry from Mantic.  They are really great models and the sprues have many great things on them. Anyone who knows me recognises the fact that my army needs more spearmen…



Anyway the idea of my army is that an independent liche has enlisted the services of an army long dead.  They were a group of warriors who protected the roads from brigands.  They were betrayed by their own leadership and their fortress destroyed in the ensuing battles.  However the vows each warrior undertook were binding beyond the grave – the old leadership suffered terrible consequences.  Those who remained true could not pass on, and continue to patrol the roads and bring death to the dishonourable, the cowards and the brigands.