Store Games Calender so far..
- 2525.March.MondayNo events
- 2626.March.TuesdayNo events
- 2727.March.WednesdayNo events
- 2828.March.ThursdayNo events
- 2929.March.Friday
MTG Oathbreaker Tournament
1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188Tickets are €10, members pay lessFormat is OathbreakerPrize is a Pioneer DeckDress Code is boxingPlease submit deck list to the master no later than Thursday 22nd 4pm - 3030.March.Saturday
Warhammer Battle Day
1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188Warhammer The Old World has returned and it’s time to start battling. You will need a 1000point army, dice, relevant books and army list.The format is tournament in style, though as the game has recently been published allowences will be made for genuine mistakes.Ideally there will be three rounds, although some battles will be taken to be as part of the store campaign. A clear winner will be a fully painted army with the most victories and be awarded bragging rights.Ideally your army will be fully painted and on the correct bases. If your army is not on the correct base please be generous with your opponent whe it comes to measuring ranges, movement etc.By now your army should be painted.Standard table fees apply. - 3131.March.SundayNo events