Store Games Calender so far..

< 2024 >
  • 06

    Pokemon League Begins

    10:30 -12:30
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188
    The Pokemon League begins today.
    Bring your decks and have some fun.
    Event requires Pokemon player ID, and we can hook you up with one of those.
    Table fees are only €5 and includes a drink.
    All children must be acompanied by an appropritare adult
  • 06

    Infernus Space Marine Painting Lesson

    13:00 -15:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188
    Today you can learn how to paint an Infernus Space Marine.
    The model, paints and brushes are provided.
    Best of all it’s free and you get to keep the Space Marine.
  • 08

    Yu Gi Oh Locals

    16:00 -20:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    No additional detail for this event.

  • 13

    Pokemon League

    10:30 -12:30
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    The Pokemon League continues.

    Bring your decks and have some fun.

    Event requires Pokemon player ID, and we can hook you up with one of those.

    Table fees are only €5 and includes a drink.

    All children must be acompanied by an appropritare adult.


  • 17

    Wednesday Evening Wargaming

    17:00 -21:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188
    Join us for mid-week Wargaming.
    Tables will be ready for gaming, painting and model assembly.
    Standard table fees apply.