Store Games Calender so far..

< 2017 >
  • 02

    Deadzone Freeplay

    12:00 -18:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    Deadzone; Mantic’s Sci-Fi Skirmish game. It’s quick to learn and quick to play and is developing a following here.

    Pop in for a demo of the rules.


    Bring your strike force and battle existing players.

  • 08

    Deadzone: Build, Paint & Play

    12:00 -17:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    This weekend you are invited to make use of the games table.

    An area will be set up to paint and build your figures


    A Deadzone will be set up if anyone fancies a quick game.


    Want to build something else NO PROBLEM! Bring any figures or models you fancy working on

    Want to play something else? THAT IS FINE TOO! The is a store library of games and you are all welcome to join in.

    By the way IT’S FREE!

  • 14

    Imperial Assault Drop-in Campaign

    19:00 -22:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    The store gaming space has been booked after hours. Local rebels are playing through an Imperial Assault campaign.  New players are welcome to join in.

    Campaign play is where you play a small group of rebels performing missions against the Empire.  Players are invited to drop in or out of the campaign as scheduling permits.   This is a good opportunity to learn how to play this game.

    The story has been played out over the last few weeks, from the main game and the “Return to Hoth” supplement. New players welcome.

    Please call or email to book your place:

    01246 916 551

    [email protected]


  • 16

    Deadzone Jetbike Racing

    12:00 -17:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    It’s time for Bizarre jetbike racing – one (well, two if you include veer – myn) bike (s) from each faction from Mantic’s Deadzone/Warpath universe:

    Enforcers, Plague, Veer – myn, Forge fathers, Rebs, Marauders, Asterians and a robot jetbike (because why not). Are competing in a race for the Theta-Epsilon-Alpha cup.

    8 players max – spectators & mutants welcome.

    Turn up and play, all jetbikes models are provided on the day, and rules will be explained.  No previous experience necessary.

    Racing rules written by customer Daniel Burnham, adapted from the Deadzone rules from Mantic Games.

  • 20

    Doctor Who: Exterminate! Games Night

    16:00 -21:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    A games night with a time-travelling twist.  Cybermen have invaded the store and only one man can save the gremlins from being upgraded.

    This night will be a good opportunity to learn how to play Doctor Who: Exterminate!  Alternatively if you own a copy of the game, you are invited to bring a faction of your choice and battle the stores Cybermen and each other.

    The rules are not too complicated and demonstrations can be arranged. The night lasts until 9pm or until the final extermination.

    Please book in advance or turn up on the night and play.  All welcome.

    [email protected]

    01246 916 551