Wexford Warhammer Club Meeting

Join us for a few games as the crusade continues.
Tables will be setup with terrain, please bring your models, dice and tape measures.
Table Fee is a €5 er and includes a drink.

MTG Draft

Tonight’s event is draft.

Table fees of €5 apply, plus the cost of the boosters

MTG Draft

Tonight’s event is draft.

Table fees of €5 apply, plus the cost of the boosters

Hobby & Games

A games night for board games & hobby skills.

Book your tables for a game or a miniature painting session.

Table fees of €5 apply



Wexford Warhammer Club Meeting

Join us for a few games as the crusade continues.
Tables will be setup with terrain, please bring your models, dice and tape measures.
Table Fee is a €5 er and includes a drink.

MTG Casual

Tonight’s event is casual.

Table fees of 5er apply

Hobby & Games

A games night for board games & hobby skills.

Book your tables for a game or a miniature painting session.

Table fees of €5 apply



Kings of War Epic Battles


This is a six player event played over four rounds. The first three will be Swiss rounds, the final round is a little different.

Rounds 1 -3 are to be played on a 4′ x 4′ table.  Scenarios to be generated on the day.

Round Four is a multiplayer event played on a 6’x4′ table. The previous rounds will be used to calculate the sides.  The highest scoring of the previous rounds, will be on opposing sides.

Cost for the event is a tenner or fiver for members.

Prizes will be issued to the winning side of the final battle.

You will need a 1000 point Kings of War Army. Miniatures are required to be painted and aught to represent accurately the faction being played.  There is no specific manufacturer requirement for the miniatures.