MTG Casual

Tonight’s event is casual, although Commander is very popular.


Table fees of €5 apply.

Blood Bowl League Begins

Blood Bowl League begins today.

Please bring your team roster and assembled team.

Table fee’s of €5 apply and include a drink as usual.

If your team is not completely painted it’s fine, but please keep working on your team inbetween events. Unpainted teams will not be eligible for the finals. Please get proxies approved.

Have fun!

Deadzone Beginners

Are you thinking about starting Deadzone?
Have got got a few miniatures, rulebook but need a few pointers.
Perhaps you are interesting in starting this great game?
Do you want to know more?
Then come along to the event, you dont need to bring anything although if you have a strike team feel free to bring it along.
Standard Table fees apply.

Magic The Gathering Black Tie Tournament

Tonight is the first MTG Tournament of 2023. Dress code is Black Tie.
The foramt is Pioneer.
Door open at 5:30pm
Event starts at 6:30pm
Prizes are from the prize pool and includes membership for February.
Cost is €10 or €5 for members, drink included

Deadzone Beginners

Are you thinking about starting Deadzone?
Have got got a few miniatures, rulebook but need a few pointers.
Perhaps you are interesting in starting this great game?
Do you want to know more?
Then come along to the event, you dont need to bring anything although if you have a strike team feel free to bring it along.
Standard Table fees apply.

MTG Casual

Tonight’s event is casual, although Commander is very popular.


Table fees of €5 apply.

MTG Casual

Tonight’s event is casual, although Commander is very popular.


Table fees of €5 apply.

Warhammer 40,000 Beginners

Do you want to learn Warhammer 40,000?
Perhaps you got the recruit edition and want to learn more?
Own any citadel miniatures and want to learn more?
If the answer is yes then this event is for you. All you need to do is turn up, although if you have any Warhammer 40,000 miniatures and want to bring them that could be an advantage.
Standard table fees of €5 apply.

MTG Jumpstart

Join us for a few games of MTG.
The format is Jumpstart.
It’s simple – buy two packs of Jumpstart. In each booster they contain 20 cards including lands. Combine them togather and you have a 40 card deck.
Winner get a Brothers War booster pack.
Standard table fees of €5 apply, drink included. You will also need to pay for your boosters.