Store Games Calender so far..

< 2025 >
February 23
  • 23

    Yu-Gi-Oh OTS Championship

    12:00 -20:00
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188
    This is our first OTS Championship.
    Entry is €15, players will receive two booster packs and a drink to be consumed during one of the breaks.
    Rounds are played using the Swiss system, Each round will be forty minutes, best of three games.
    Breaks of ten minutes will be in between each round.
    There will be a lunch break, after the third round.
    In order to participate, all players will need a Card Game ID, Deck list and appropriately sleeved cards.
    Winner will receive an OTS game mat
    Top two duelists will receive an invite to WQC
    Registration is open 11:30, if you want to book a place in advance of the date please get in touch.
    Thanks and looking forward to hosting