Store Games Calender so far..

< 2024 >
  • 01

    Core Celebration Legacy of Destruction

    12:00 -17:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    Welcome to our first Yu-Gi-Oh Core Celebration tournament.
    Ticket price is €30 and includes five booster packs from Legacy of Destruction
    Prizes include the game mat for the winner.
    Format is advanced constructed, swiss rounds. Four – Sixty mintue rounds with a twenty minute break in between each round included.

    A tournament will follow all Yu-Gi-Oh guidelines and regulations.
    Please check the banned list.
    Any questions please get in touch.

  • 04

    Afterwork Pokemon

    18:00 -21:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    The Pokemon League continues
    Bring your decks and have some fun.
    Table fees are only €5 and includes a drink. This event is designated for masters.

  • 05

    Wednesday Evening Wargaming

    17:00 -21:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188
    Join us for mid-week Wargaming.
    Tables will be ready for gaming, painting and model assembly.
    Skirmish battles like Deadzone and Kill Team will be setup, and if youwant to play are larger wargame like Kings of War or Warhmmer 40k please book in advance or arrive earlier.
    Standard table fees of €5 apply, and includes a drink.
  • 08

    Pokemon League

    11:00 -12:30
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    The Pokemon League Day.

    Bring your decks and have some fun.

    Event requires Pokemon player ID, and we can hook you up with one of those.

    Table fees are only €5 and includes a drink.

    All children must be accompanied by an appropriate adult.

  • 08

    Yu-Gi-Oh Rarity II

    13:00 -17:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    Welcome to the 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II Release Event
    Entry is €25 which includes two 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II booster packs.
    Prize includes the new game matt for the winner .

    The format is advanced constructed, using the Swiss System.

    The tournament will follow all Yu-Gi-Oh guidelines and regulations.
    Please check the banned list.

    Any questions please get in touch.