Store Games Calender so far..

< 2024 >
April 22 - April 28
  • 22
    No events
  • 23
    No events
  • 24

    Wednesday Evening Wargaming

    17:00 -21:00
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188
    Join us for mid-week Wargaming.
    Tables will be ready for gaming, painting and model assembly.
    Standard table fees apply.
  • 25
    No events
  • 26

    MTG Commander Tournament

    18:00 -21:00
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188
    Tonights event is Commander.
    Tournament fee is €15, members pay €10
    All current WPN rules will be observed ( this is not a WPN event)
    Prize is a commander Deck
    Dress code is western / steampunk
  • 27

    Pokemon League

    10:30 -12:30
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    The Pokemon League Day, back at the regular time.

    Bring your decks and have some fun.

    Event requires Pokemon player ID, and we can hook you up with one of those.

    Table fees are only €5 and includes a drink.

    All children must be acompanied by an appropritare adult.

  • 28

    Bring & Buy

    14:00 -18:00
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188
     Gaming United Club is running a Bring and Buy Sale.
    This is for you to trade, sell and buy your miniatures, games, cards and other products that fit with gaming.
    The event is only for people who are not vendors, traders, or  otherwise business owners within the tabletop and video games industry.
    This event is a cash only event.
    Pricing starts at €5 per table if you want a larger space please book in advance.
    Any counterfeit items may be siezed and dealt with as far as the law permits.
    If you are a vendor,  please do not harrass Gaming United Club.
    We are looking forward in seeing you on the 28th of April Sunday from 2PM till 6PM