Store Games Calender so far..
- 0808.January.MondayNo events
- 0909.January.TuesdayNo events
- 1010.January.Wednesday
Evening Hobby Hangout
1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188Join us for an evening hobby hangout.
Tables will be setup for painting, tabletop wargaming and model assembly.
Standard table fees apply.
- 1111.January.ThursdayNo events
- 1212.January.Friday
MTG Casual
1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188Come and play Magic The Gathering in the new venue in Castlebridge. This evening is a casual event.This evenings event is casual although Commander is a popular format right now.It’s a casual and beginner friendly event, but bring your commander deck as that’s most popular format currently.Same table fee of €5 includes a drink - 1313.January.Saturday
40k League Day
1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188In the Warhammer 40,000 League, the rules are simple.Join one of the five factions.Play any tabletop game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe in store.Let the Gremlins worry about keeping score and handing out prizes.The league will continue until and including March 16.Standard table fees of €5 applies as usual - 1414.January.SundayNo events