Store Games Calender so far..

< 2023 >
November 06 - November 12
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    MTG Casual

    18:00 -21:00
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188
    Come and play Magic The Gathering in the new venue in Castlebridge. This evening is a casual event.
    This evenings event is casual although Commander is a popular format right now.
    It’s a casual and beginner friendly event, but bring your commander deck as that’s most popular format currently.
    Same table fee of €5 includes a drink
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    Wargames Hobby Day Deadzone Deepdive

    12:00 -18:00
    Saturdays at Mountain Gremlin Games are now dedicated to the wargames hobby. So if you enjoy games like Deadzone, Warhammer 40,000 or Lord of the Rings this is the day for you.
    If you want to test your mettle in tabletop combat, the store has a number of games tables and terrain to represent battle zones from across the dimensions of space and time.
    There will be a table set up for painting miniatures. A selection of paints are available so all you need to bring are your brushes and current project. You can talk with the resident artist and other gamers about different aspects of the hobby, exchange tips techniques and improve your skills.
    Beginners are welcome too. There are introductory tables set up if you want a quick demo of the rules. Or if you have started your hobby journey and have any questions about any aspect of tabletop miniature wargaming. There is a space for you at the table.
    To join in the table fee is €5 and includes a drink
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    No events