Store Games Calender so far..

  • 03

    Yu-Gi-Oh afternoon

    15:00 -18:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    Join us for a few games of Yu-Gi-Oh.

    Table fee of 5er applies.

    Due to past incidents an admission policy applies .

  • 04

    MTG Casual

    17:00 -21:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    Tonight’s event is casual.

    Table fees of 5er apply

  • 05

    Wexford Warhammer Club Meeting

    12:00 -18:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188
    Join us for a few games.
    Tables will be setup with terrain, please bring your models, dice and tape measures.
    Table Fee is a €5 er and includes a drink.
  • 09

    Games Catch-Up

    12:00 -18:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    Have you been out of the hobby for a while?

    Need to brush up on a few rules?

    Fancy testing out a new unit before the main event?

    Want to learn a new painting skill?

    These sessions have you covered.  Standard table fees apply.



  • 10

    Yu-Gi-Oh afternoon

    15:00 -18:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    Join us for a few games of Yu-Gi-Oh.

    Table fee of 5er applies.

    Due to past incidents an admission policy applies .