Store Games Calender so far..

  • 30

    Residents of the Evil Village - Painting Competition

    11:00 -16:00
    Mountain Gremlin Games
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    There are many monsters in this world and the next. They have friends and family. While they are not scary to each other, some of you may find them terrifiying.

    This is the dealine for the painting competition.

    Requirements: paint four or five models who are connected with the theme.

    Entry fee – €5 OR have purchased the models from the store.

    Theme: Horror! A group of indiviuals who may live together as a family or within the same village.

    Prize: TBA – usually store credit derived from the entry fees

    Please email your entries to

    [email protected]

    Alternatively bring them into the store for photography.