Events Calender

Store Games Calender so far..

< 2018 >
January 28
  • 28

    Deadzone Overkill Tournament

    12:00 -17:00
    1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

    Mountain Gremlin Games is hosting its first Deadzone Tournament.


    All participants MUST bring the following

    Strike team miniatures – preferably painted.  Mantic makes excellent models for this game. Other manufacturers miniatures are permitted provided it is obvious what it is supposed to represent.

    Roster sheet with all units and upgrades clearly written. 150 point teams, made from current rule book & using the latest updates.

    8 player max

    £5 entry fee

    Prizes include 1st – 3rd place prizes and participation gift from the Overkill Tournament OP kit.