There are a number of great games out there, and the store is happy to support them. Whether they be board games, collectible card games or miniature skirmish games. If you have a great game you want played and supported in store here are some tips to make it happen.
1 Suggest it! – You never know..
Come and talk about it in store. Post about it in the players group, post it on the main page, show pictures of games in progress or painted models – the more people that know about this excellent game the better. And the more people who want to play the more likely it is the store will support it.
2 Turn up and play! – You do want to play it right..?
Once the store has agreed to to host the game, support it. If there is a FB event share it, mark yourself as going – if you cannot attend that that mark yourself as “interested”. Do this well in advance of the day of the event. On the day of the gaming event turn up and play. Enjoy yourself and meet new people playing a game you love. If there are people new to the game help them out.

3 Buy stuff! – It’s not a conflict of interest
When the store is making an order – ask specifically for certain products and buy them – encourage others to do so. Even if it’s a small item like a booster pack or set of dice. The store is more likely to schedule more events for your game if people are regularly making purchases for the game.
4 Share it! – Always share
So the store has agreed to play your game, is stocking products and holds regular events. Now what? Share it! Post pictures of your games, work in progress, completed models whatever. If the store posts about it – share it, like it & comment. Be an active participant in the store groups and beyond. This helps build a community of gamers around your chosen game system
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