X-Wing Free Tables & Demos

21/09/19 12:00 - 21:00
Mountain Gremlin Games
Address: 1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

This Sunday the gremlins are setting up the tables for X-Wing Second edition. The fast paced fighter combat game by Fantasy Flight Games set in the cinematic universe of Star WARS

Join us while we figure out how to fly casually or in attack formation.

No table fees will be collected for games of X-Wing played on this day.

May the force be with us all

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    Standard table fee's of €5 applies and includes a drink



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    Friday Night Magic is going to be a casual Commander Night.
    If you have Wizard Play Network account, please let us know so upon entry and you can be entered into the system.
    If you need the wifi password please ask.
    As this is Friday Night Magic, we will be observing all Wizards Play Network code of conduct as well the stores.
    The regular table fees of €5 applies.