Core Premiere – Rage of the Abyss

05/10/24 14:00 - 18:00
Mountain Gremlin Games
Address: 1 The Square, Castlebridge, Y36 K188

This afternoon the Mountain is hosting the Core Premiere of Rage of the Abyss.
Ticket price is €30 and includes five booster packs from Rage of The Abyss and a special promo card.
Prizes is game mat for the winner.
Format is advanced constructed, Swiss rounds. Four – Sixty minute rounds with a twenty minute break in between each round included.

A tournament will follow all Yu-Gi-Oh guidelines and regulations.
Please check the banned list.
Any questions please get in touch.

Related upcoming events

  • 12/10/24 13:30 - 12/10/24 18:00

    The regular Store Local Tournament
    Each round is the best of three matches, using the Swiss System.
    Entry is the usual €5 and all participants will receive the OTS participation boosters.
    Hope to see you there.

  • 19/10/24 13:30 - 19/10/24 18:00

    The regular Store Local Tournament
    Each round is the best of three matches, using the Swiss System.
    Entry is the usual €5 and all participants will receive the OTS participation boosters.
    Hope to see you there.

  • 20/10/24 14:00 - 20/10/24 19:00

    Welcome to the October Mountain Gremlin Games league challenge.

    The league challenge is single game, played using Swiss rounds system.

    Entry is €10 Prizes are distributed from the Play Pokemon Prize Packs

    Please have the following ready for registration. Deck Lists Cards, appropriately sleeved Pokemon ID Registration begins at 2:00pm.

    Any questions please get in touch.

  • 03/11/24 13:30 - 03/11/24 19:00

    The Mountain Lord and the Gremlins Present: Surging Sparks Pre-Release

    Tickets cost 35 Euro

    Limit is 40 Players

    Registration begins at 1pm At 1:30pm you will open your prerelease boxes and build a deck with the brand new cards. Then compete in a tournament.

    Participation prizes are Surging Sparks boosters.

    Hope to see you there

  • 24/11/24 13:00 - 24/11/24 19:00

    Welcome to the November Mountain Gremlin Games league challenge.

    The league challenge is single game, played using Swiss rounds system.

    Entry is €10 Prizes are distributed from the Play Pokemon Prize Packs

    Please have the following ready for registration: Deck Lists, Cards, appropriately sleeved. Pokemon ID

    Registration begins at 1:00pm. Any questions please get in touch.

  • 01/12/24 13:00 - 01/12/24 19:00

    Welcome to the December Mountain Gremlin Games league challenge.

    The league challenge is single game, played using Swiss rounds system.

    Entry is €10 Prizes are distributed from the Play Pokemon Prize Packs

    Please have the following ready for registration: Deck Lists, Cards, appropriately sleeved. Pokemon ID

    Registration begins at 1:00pm. Any questions please get in touch.